Thursday, October 18, 2012


Question For Colby:

 I met a guy on and I like him a lot. I have been dating him, very casually, for 5 months. I am having fun, but my girlfriends think I should talk to him about seeing where the relationship is going. Should I talk to him?

Colby's Answer:

Let me just say that I am very excited to get another question, because I am very wise and have knowledge to share. 

I am going to keep this short and sweet, because we, as daters, need to stop over analyzing relationships. 

The thing that you said that stands out to me is, "I am having fun." If at this point you are happy and having fun, and the relationship is fulfilling your needs so far, then great. What's to talk about?

If you are happy and consenting, and he is too, then go with it. Even if this relationship only lasts 6 months, but you had fun as it ran its course, then go with it. You will know when you need more, and then you talk to him. If he is not ready, then you decide if you want to move on or stick around, but if he is ready, then great.

As long as you are getting what you need there is no reason to rush things, and put them under the microscope. 

Have fun!

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