Wednesday, January 9, 2013


For a long time I have fought getting older, and have had an issue admitting that I am no longer 21. 

Let's be real ... I may not look it, but I am going to be 35 on Colby-Tine's Day! (February 14th)

The big 3-5, and I am OK with it. I would rather age with grace, and look good for my age, then turn into a 40 year old "twink" that fights getting older.

I am proud of who I am, and I am no longer going to go around telling everyone I am 29. LOL.

So, I am coming out as mid-thirties!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I don't know about you, but every year I make "New Years Resolutions," and they last for about one week. (Maybe a little longer, if they don't take much effort.)

This year, after much thought and the proper steps, I am making this year about "Creation." What that means to me, is my own little secret, but this year will be the start of a new path for Colby.  

Let's be real, I have made many claims and declarations, but they all amount to about...well, not much. I need to start practicing what I preach, and I need to step up or shut the fuck up. I am taking off the party hat, because the Pity Party is over. 

The biggest obstacle for me, all my life maybe, is that I put things in boxes. If I don't fit into the box that I think is the most appropriate, then I lose it. This year, all of the rules and boxes are going out the front door, because I have wasted enough time being stuck.

Life is about living, so I should make good on that. I want to laugh more. I want to smile more. I want to be more kind. I want to love more. The person that I have not loved enough, is myself. I am about to hit the big 35 (Don't hate, I look 25 LOL), and the one relationship in my life that has experienced the biggest ups and downs, has been the relationship I have with myself. We all need to love ourselves more, so I am asking myself out to coffee. 

The saying, "In order to love someone else, you have to love yourself first," has never felt so real. I have experienced lows in my life, that I couldn't have seen coming, nor could I have controlled them, but I have also experienced joy. When the joy has come knocking, I always find some way to shut it out. When the joy and love knocks again...I want to be ready, and dressed for the occasion. 

So, 2013 and I am. Let's do this!