Thursday, February 14, 2013


Good Day! I have been dropping the ball with my "blogging," but today seemed like an appropriate day to write something up.

Today I am 35 years old. So, on 1978 the world was forever changed, because I was born. That goes for each day that any of us joined the world. 

Also, on February 14, 1978 Texas Instruments patented the first "micro on a chip." (That was the only other big headline besides the birth of Colby Christopher, that I could find.)

So, today is a big day for me. I am in a great place. I spent the morning doing some cardio, grabbing coffee, having a dance party around my apartment, and meditating. I also looked in the mirror and really looked at myself. I didn't allow myself to look and critique, as I usually do, but I did look, and thank my body and thought positively about myself.

I realized that I have known myself for 35 years, and there is so much more to discover. I thought about it, and the little mole on my thigh has been with me 35 years. The chickenpox scar on my right forearm has been there for about 29 years. The callus on my right finger has been there since I started writing in my unusual way.

I am thankful for my body that has gone from infant to 35 year old man. I am thankful for the family and friends in my life that show me such love and support. I am thankful for overcoming the obstacles I have faced in my life.   

I am thankful that I am still kickin' and ready to take on another 35+ years. I have big plans, and now is the time to really make it happen. 

I love you Colby Christopher and Happy Birthday! I am glad you have stuck around to see this day. :)

Happy Colbytine's Day To Us All!