Sunday, September 30, 2012

Furries VS. Plushies - What's The Sexual Diff?


Today's blog is going to be light and educational. It's Sunday, so I'm keeping it short and sweet. (Even the Big Guy took a day off!)

After watching a few episodes of "Gigolos" with a friend, I had to look up what these two terms meant, and how they differ. (FYI...Watch this show on Showtime After Hours! It's amazing!) 

These two terms, when being used sexually, refer to specific sexual preferences (fetishes) that men and women may have to achieve arousal. Most of us would find no pleasure in these types of scenarios, and I, personally, would be cracking up the whole time, but to each their own. 

So, let's get down to it, and define each of them.

Being into "Plushies" means you get off on stuffed animals and costumes that are characteristic of stuffed animals. A teddy bear would fall into this category. (An example would be the photo above on the left. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that the fellow in the photo is a "Plushy.") 

Being into "Furries" means you get off on a partner in a costume of a character that has both human and animal type characteristics. Barney and The Beast from "Beauty and the Beast" would be possible examples. (An example would be the "Foxy" photo above on the right.)  

Again, I am not judging. I believe that any sexual act is good to go, AS LONG as it is between TWO CONSENTING ADULTS, and that no one is ever put into a position that they are not consenting to. 

So, let's just say it! I believe we have all been educated today, and you're welcome.

Have an AMAZING Sunday afternoon!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

How Much Of A Sexual Voyeur Are You?

We all know that straight men love to fantasize about two women getting it on, with the hope that the ladies will let him participate. (Good luck buddy! If the ladies are already enjoying each other, they probably don't need you.)

So, yesterday I posted the question on Facebook and Twitter about whether there are women who enjoy watching two men getting it on, and I am still wondering.

I think that we all have a little voyeur in us. I mean, look how much money the Porn industry makes each year. Those dollar signs prove that what I am suggesting is true. 

Some of us are more voyeuristic then others. I have met some kinky creepers.

So, let me go first and confess, that last night I looked through the window to see if the new neighbors were around...and possibly shirtless. I didn't linger long, because there is a fine line between voyeur and creeper, but I hoped to get a peak of the man that moved in. (I didn't.)

I am not suggesting you all creep, but I don't think people should be embarrassed that they like to watch. Own it!

So, you enjoy watching two men??

Friday, September 28, 2012

Colby Talks Cheating - 1st "Ask Colby"

Good Morning and Happy Friday!

So, I asked, and I received my first question from a friend in need. 

Question (Edited to preserve privacy.): 

I think my boyfriend cheated on me, what should I do?

Colby Says:

This is never an easy question to answer or to advise on, because, for most of us, the rational button gets turned off when in this situation. So, breath and keep reading.

First off, you "think" he is cheating on you, but if you don't know for sure don't get all worked up. The only way to find out, without sneaking around yourself, or jumping to drastic measures, is to ask him. Asking him, once you are ready, is the only rational thing you can do. Don't make someone "wrong" on a hunch, because it will poison the waters.

 Don't install software on his computer to find out. Don't follow him and play "Where's Waldo?" around town. Don't start talking to too many friends of yours, because the gossip that comes from that could ruin your relationship completely. (We all know that gossipy bitches love drama.) Pick a time, if you truly think that something has happened, and talk to him. But, if you ARE in a relationship that makes you feel required to take drastic measures to find the answers, then you don't trust this person to be honest when asked, so you may just want to move on from this union altogether.

Secondly, before you confront him, think it over. If he were to confirm that he has cheated, how would you react? What do you want to do about it? What do you want to know and what do you NOT want to know? Is this relationship the "real deal" and do you want to preserve it?

I have an ex-boyfriend, who never cheated on me, but taught me, unknown to him, to not ask questions I may not want to hear the answers to. Just because we want to ask the questions, does not mean we are ready for the answers, so that is why I suggest thinking through the possible outcomes. This type of question can rock the relationship boat, so be ready, because either way, cheating or no cheating, you are in for a long conversation. 

Remember that just because someone cheats, doesn't mean you have to brake up. You have to ask him the question, and then evaluate the answers. If you love him and TRULY believe he loves you, then you get to decide if you want to remain in the relationship. 

I think that many people follow the formula that if someone cheats then you dump them ... after some dramatics. YOU get to make your choices and YOU both get to shape the modern relationship you share. So, ask the questions you need to know, and  then determine that whatever you decide is the healthy decision for yourself. 

You need to take care of yourself emotionally, mentally and physically. Make sure that, whatever your decision is it is the healthiest option for you, because no one deserves to feel sad, depressed or disrespected, and no one should be put into any physical dangers that could result from a partners "side activities."

So, again, think it over, and then approach him. Will there be tears? Maybe, but leave all of the hair pulling, yelling and straight-up drama to the lovely people on Jerry Springer. You deserve the type of relationship you desire and that you are comfortable with, so don't settle for anything else. Loving someone doesn't mean that you have to stay with them, if it is not healthy for you.

I wish you the best and hope all works out. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Being A Role Model

I am so proud of my Niece and Nephews (all of my Nephews), and I love them very much.
They are a big reason I want to be a good role model and to be successful, so that they have another adult that they can look up to and be proud of. I want them to see a good person, a kind person, and a strong person. 
Love You Payson, Delaney, Zyler, Gavin and Jack!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bring Back Words Of Wisdom

To quote the voluptuously amazing Beyonce Knowles, I want to help “All the single ladies!” (And, the single women! I do love my sisters!

I started this blog for myself, so that I could work through a few things, but also to entertain. For a while now, I have been experiencing an intense desire, no, more of a need, to pass on my amazing words of wisdom to those who may be looking for a little advice while walking on the f*cked up highway of life. No one wants to be roadkill, so we have to keep fighting, and I may break out blurbs from my old blog once in a while to educate and to entertain. 

One thing you should know about me is that I have a lot of tales to tell. (Thanks Madonna!) Be aware that I will be writing with honesty (grammar might go out the window), and I will be bearing all, with a big twist of sarcastic humor. I may blush from my own honesty (because I’m lady), and you may stop reading for the same honesty (because you may be bitches). To each their own … no judgment from me!

I get that being single and/or feeling lost is never easy, but you should know that you are not alone. We all feel lost at times (myself … usually daily), and once in a while we all need someone to throw us a bone. (You know what I mean, you trashy bitches!) Change is not easy, but sometimes you have to take a leap of faith in order to take care of business and move on toward bigger things that will lead to fulfillment and bliss. 

This is my chance to revisit my "leap of faith" while I help others who may be in need of a little advising and a little pushing. Thanks for walking with me on this trip, as I venture into these new territories. 

Stay tuned for pearls of wisdom ...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Eyebrows: Survey Says?

Men's Eyebrows ...
For those of you who know me, and that is not me above, you know that I keep my eyebrows VERY groomed. I have threaded, plucked, waxed and cut my way to perfection. 
Over time many people have noticed my eyebrows, and know that they are not naturally this splendid. 
 The other day I was looking through the new GQ, and I noticed many guys with eyebrows, like the ones in the picture above, and it made me reexamine my brows. So, I decided to let my eyebrows fill in on the sides/down a bit. I am not sold on this change.
So, I come to you and ask, do WE love groomed eyebrows, or do WE love when they are cared for, but still a little natural?
Survey Says ...?

The Naked Neighbor

My new mission in life is to see my new neighbor. I need to see what the full-meal deal is, because I saw chest and shoulders as I walked by his window, and it was nice! Let's just hope it's been super sized!

He seems to be comfortable in his own skin, because one of my besties and neighbors saw his back side as he walked through his apartment.(I feel like I am the lady from "Gorillas in the Mist" and I am keeping an observation log.)

So, I must put a face, and hopefully more, to the chest and shoulders I caught a glimpse of. The sad news is ... he lives with a woman that appears to be a wife/girlfriend. He must be very confused. 

I am not going full stalker, but I will appreciate him from a far. 
I am going to call him "Brad." 

I may need to take over a nice casserole to Brad and that woman. 
I will keep you all updated. 

Have an amazing day!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Making Changes

"My aim is to achieve sustainable change, not just make a cute little makeover."
Jamie Oliver

Like Jamie Oliver, I want to make sustainable changes. Jamie was referring to helping school lunch programs (I think?), and I am referring to changing my life. I don't want a cute little makeover either, because I want Extreme Makeover results. 

Here is me plan: I want to look at all areas of my life, and make changes. I want to come out of this refreshed and new... and headed in a specific direction with a plan. 

First step, "No more mowing the lawn." For those of you who know me well enough, you will get what I am saying. "It" really was holding me back, and changing who I was. No more of that nonsense, because Colby has bigger things to accomplish.

First step, accomplished, and now I get ready for another Monday morning. 

Have an amazing day my splendid friends and followers, and accomplish something today ... little or big. (In this case, little can be just as good.)


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Making A Pact

It feels like I have hit a enormous brick wall, and to go forward, I must find a way through to the other side. 

I know that I am not alone, and that we all find ourselves questioning and wondering "What's Next?" 
This question is very present in my daily life, and I am making a pact with myself, that I will find the answers, so that I can pick up my sledge hammer, and get through to whatever is next for me.
Whether it is writing, acting, marketing, event planning, traveling, dating ... I will find whatever the answers are, so that I can take the next step, because I need to.

This blog is a tool to keep moving forward. I love to talk, and we all know that, and I love to make people laugh, so this blog will give me a chance to do both. Will it be humorous all of the time? No. Colby might get very real at times, but always with the hope that I am taking steps forward.

So, thanks for joining me on this journey, and I hope you do check in with me once in a while.