Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Eyebrows: Survey Says?

Men's Eyebrows ...
For those of you who know me, and that is not me above, you know that I keep my eyebrows VERY groomed. I have threaded, plucked, waxed and cut my way to perfection. 
Over time many people have noticed my eyebrows, and know that they are not naturally this splendid. 
 The other day I was looking through the new GQ, and I noticed many guys with eyebrows, like the ones in the picture above, and it made me reexamine my brows. So, I decided to let my eyebrows fill in on the sides/down a bit. I am not sold on this change.
So, I come to you and ask, do WE love groomed eyebrows, or do WE love when they are cared for, but still a little natural?
Survey Says ...?

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