Sunday, September 30, 2012

Furries VS. Plushies - What's The Sexual Diff?


Today's blog is going to be light and educational. It's Sunday, so I'm keeping it short and sweet. (Even the Big Guy took a day off!)

After watching a few episodes of "Gigolos" with a friend, I had to look up what these two terms meant, and how they differ. (FYI...Watch this show on Showtime After Hours! It's amazing!) 

These two terms, when being used sexually, refer to specific sexual preferences (fetishes) that men and women may have to achieve arousal. Most of us would find no pleasure in these types of scenarios, and I, personally, would be cracking up the whole time, but to each their own. 

So, let's get down to it, and define each of them.

Being into "Plushies" means you get off on stuffed animals and costumes that are characteristic of stuffed animals. A teddy bear would fall into this category. (An example would be the photo above on the left. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that the fellow in the photo is a "Plushy.") 

Being into "Furries" means you get off on a partner in a costume of a character that has both human and animal type characteristics. Barney and The Beast from "Beauty and the Beast" would be possible examples. (An example would be the "Foxy" photo above on the right.)  

Again, I am not judging. I believe that any sexual act is good to go, AS LONG as it is between TWO CONSENTING ADULTS, and that no one is ever put into a position that they are not consenting to. 

So, let's just say it! I believe we have all been educated today, and you're welcome.

Have an AMAZING Sunday afternoon!

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