Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Lately I have been thinking about the "Big Questions." I am NOT religious, and I am not really spiritual, so I am more in the "I don't have the answers" category. 

Why are we here? What created all of this? How did it all happen?

I can comprehend that we are on Earth. I understand evolution. I understand all of the planets and all of that.

What I don't get is what happened to create all of this? If everything was once like a blank piece of paper, who flipped the switch? What happened? If someone flipped the switch...who create them? 

Is this outside of our comprehension? 


1 comment:

  1. Well, I can't speak for other religions but Christianity, coinciding with the idea that matter cannot be created, only transferred from energy, states that God, Who lives outside of time and space, stepped into time transfer energy into matter, and thus create the Universe and all within.

    The Genesis account of a literal seven-day creation is not necessary for belief in God and Jesus. There are several good believers who look at the evidence provided and say God used evolution as the method for Creation, though He was the trigger behind it.

    Either way, though, we Christians do agree on this: God loved the whole world so much, that He sent His Son to don humanity, show us Who God Is, and then died in Mankind's stead, so that none would have to go to Hell, but that all may Know God. Ergo, Colby, Jesus loves you, my friend.
