Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I woke up this morning, and I grabbed my journal. I am not a writer and I am NOT a poet, but I had to write something. 
I see the news, almost daily anymore, and there is so much tragedy, and I can't process it. I also learned of a friend's passing, and I can't process that. 
I can only imagine what the loved ones of those the world has lost are going through and feeling. I don't pray, but they are on my thoughts, and I wish them peace.


This morning I woke up, and I remembered that you are gone.
How can that be?
Where did you go?
I didn’t get a chance to say good-bye.

This morning I woke up, and I had so many questions.
Why did this happen?
What could I have done?
I didn’t know that yesterday would be our last day together. 

This morning I woke up, and I realized that I was all cried out.
What do I do now?
How do I go forward?
I won’t have the chance to hug you before you go to sleep. 

This morning I woke up, and I stepped into a new life.
What am I to do?
Where am I supposed to go?
I don’t want to do this alone, and I want answers to my questions. 

Tonight I am going to get into bed, and I will still have questions.
What happens next?
Will I ever see you again?
I don’t want to hurt anymore, but the hurt reminds me that you were real. 

Tonight I am going to go to sleep, and I hope you join me in a dream.
Can you tell me if you are safe?
Can you tell me if there is something after this life?
I don’t think I’m as strong as you are, and the questions haunt me.

Tomorrow I will wake up, and you will still be gone.
Did you know that I loved you?
Were you happy?
I won’t let myself melt away, because tomorrow I live for you. 

I will live for us both.

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